Services & Rates

No-tipping policy
When you are in the middle of a session, I’d like you to enjoy your session and breathing deeply into the healing work you are receiving instead of doing math in your head about how much you can or you can’t afford to tip. I’d like you to set aside all the worries and focus on unwinding and balancing your body and mind.

Therapeutic Deep tissue massage

60 Minute $75 | 90 Minute $110

My signature massage session to release muscular tension with relaxation-focused massage to ease accumulated stress. 
It is similar to Swedish massage but with a slow, firm pressure to release muscle tension. Forearm + elbow work is used in this session but can be adapted to a more gentle style as desired.
Upon arrival, I will discuss your pressure preference and areas need special focus so that your session is always crafted to your specific needs.

CBD Massage Therapy

60 Minute $80 | 90 Minute $115
The signature therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage with high quality CBD oils.

A few of the benefits you could experience from using CBD massage oil is listed as below. Combined with the power of Massage Therapy, it’s a perfect match made to relax your body and mind.

CBD oil can
  • help to ease and relax your muscles.
  • help relieve chronic pain.
  • help to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.
  • moisturize and condition the skin making it supple and soft.

Core Synchronism Therapy

60 Minute $75 | 90 Minute $110

What is Core Synchronism?

Core Synchronism is a gentle form of body work to release blocks and inharmonious patterns in both physical and emotional aspects of the body. It is a holistic alternative medicine system developed by Robert Stevens (NTS, ND, CCSP), director of the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics where I’ve learned to become a Core Synchronism practitioner.

How does it work?

“Cerebrospinal fluid, produced in the brain, is the carrier of life force in the body. It circulates through the body in a manner similar to the expansion and contraction of your ‘inner ocean tides.’ Every system of our body (including the skeletal, lymphatic, endocrine, nervous system, and cardiovascular systems) synchronize with this expansion and contraction by moving along with the fluid. If they don’t, disharmonious motion causes friction, which produces inflammation, which then results in pain or discomfort. Core Synchronism can help reestablishing balance between the cerebrospinal fluid and the body part that’s out-of-sync.

What can I expect during the Core Synchronism treatment?

You will feel the gentle touch of my hands on various parts of the body including the head, feet, and areas related to the locations of pain and discomfort. During this treatments, it is common to experience a meditative-like state and you may fall asleep, which in no way reduces the potential effectiveness of the treatment.
Please note that Core Synchronism practitioners are not healers, and the treatment can be accomplished by the individual’s life energy, the core current. My responsibility is to establish balanced body motions and synchronistic relationships, which will result in deep states of relaxation where healing ultimately takes place.

How many treatments will be required?

Because this therapy addresses the self-correcting power of the body and each self-healing ability is different, it is not possible to predict how often and how many treatments it will take to resolve a problem. However, as a rule of thumb, acute pain or recent problems usually get resolved more quickly. Chronic/older issues may required more treatments to help the body return to its normal state. 

What might I experience or feel after a treatment?

You might feel better and wonderful right away. It is possible you may experience some acute symptoms (discomfort, fatigue, etc.,) or be revisited by some old symptoms for couple of days after the treatment. These responses indicate that positive change is taking place in your body as you heal.

Core therapy can address imbalances including but not limited to: 
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Migraine
  • TMJ syndrome
  • Other Chronic or Acute Pain
  • Stress or Anxiety
  • Mental & Emotional Traumas
  • Pregnancy Discomforts
  • Auto-immune Disorders
  • Grief
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